
更新日期:2011/08/23 10:15

1. 強化各級學校防災教育演練,教育部將把核能與輻射教育納入中小學課程,目前已經完成「核能與輻射教育」教材,內容以介紹核能基本認知為主,不涉及反核或擁核議題,相關內容已經放在網路上,供各校下載使用。

The Ministry of Education has included nuclear power and radiation as parts of the curriculum in the local pupils’ elementary school education so that the drills of disaster prevention education can be solidified. Currently, the nuclear power and radiation education teaching materials are available. The knowledge is in relation to the basic concepts and is unrelated to the controversies of supporting or against the nuclear power. Related information is already on the website and school authorities can download them on-line.

2. 教育部昨天(22)公布「100年度教育部教學卓越獎」幼稚園組獲獎名單,共有7所公私立幼稚園的教學團隊獲獎,展現了他們的教學專業與熱忱。頒獎典禮將於9月7號舉行,會中將揭曉獲得金質獎、銀質獎的教學團隊。

The Ministry of Education announced the shortlist for the kindergartens which have provided excelled teaching services. In total, educational teams from 7 public kindergartens have won the titles, as they have demonstrated their professional knowledge and enthusiasm in the field of education. A formal ceremony will be held on 7 Sep. and these groups will be presented with varied awards.

3. 六輕公安意外頻傳,讓雲林縣教育處重視工廠附近學校學生安全。雲林縣教育處為因應未來公安事件發生,特別訂定學生緊急撤離應變措施,將在開學後召集學校進行演練,希望透過緊急應變措施,確保學生健康與安全。

The No.6 Naphtha Cracker Complex of Formosa Petrochemical Corp. has threatened the public safety due to its frequent accidents. Such has made the Education Department, Yunlin County Government become concerned about the students living in the vicinity and their safety. The Education Department, Yulin county government has specifically designed emergency evacuation precautions and procedures for the local students in case of emergency. These procedures will be practiced by everyone in those schools after the new semester starts. It is hoped through these precautions, students can have a healthy and safe campus life.

4. 1111人力銀行調查發現,面臨企業缺工潮,國內有6成3的上班族近半年來有轉職意願,1111人力銀行發言人張旭嵐建議上班族在轉換工作前,不僅可以先打聽市場現狀,也要評估是否適合自己的所學專長,才不會在轉職後,又會持續不斷地換工作。

The investigation conducted by a local human resource bank found that under the circumstances of the void of employees in the job market, about 63% of the white collars are willing to change their jobs in the recent six months. 張旭嵐, the spokesperson of the 1111 human resource bank suggested those office workers hunting for new jobs not only to understand more about the current trends in the market, but also to evaluate if the jobs they search for fit their own professional knowledge. Such can prevent those people from changing jobs continuously after leaving their original posts.

5. 美國社會學會最近一項研究,針對上萬人進行研究,發現在結婚或離婚後兩年內,變胖的機率大增。英國營養基金會專家表示,每個人都會因結婚或離婚而有所改變,包括生活方式及飲食習慣,但每個人的個性及處理事情的方式不一樣,因此增胖的機率也會有所不同。

The American Sociological Association has recently announced a research using over ten thousand people as the sample of the study. It found that the chance of these people gaining weight increases dramatically within two years after they get married or divorced. Experts in the British Nutrition Foundation said each individual would change due to either a marriage or a divorce. Such changes include the lifestyle and eating habit. Since every individual has his or her unique personality and different ways of dealing with things, the ratio people’s weight gaining after they get married or divorced would also vary.

(2011-08-23 09:41:08 洪秋玉)
